Junta Directiva

Lynne McIntyre



• Graduada en International Ahairs por la George Washington University (Washington, DC)

• Maestría en Clinicial Social Work por la Catholic University of America (Washington, DC)

• Maestría y Doctorada en Antropología Social y Cultural por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


Experiencia Profesional Relevante

• Mental Health Therapist, Mary’s Center for Maternal and Child Care, Washington, DC (2011- 2014)

• Founding Manager, Maternal Mental Health Program, Mary’s Center for Maternal and Child Care, Washington, DC (2014-2016)

• Founder and Psychotherapist, Wellbeing for Women, Worldwide (2016-presente)


Resumen de Proyectos Subvencionadas

• Pérdidas reproductivas precoces: del malestar físico y emocional invisible al posible duelo personal, familiar y social. Fundación La Caixa (referencia de concesión CC21-0178). Investigadora. 80.000€. IP: Diana Marre (UAB), María José Rodríguez Jaume (UA) y Ellisa LLurba (Inst Inves Hosp de la Sata Creu i Sant Pau). Coordinator.

• 2019-2022: Brighter Future: Innovative tools for developing full potential after early adversity (2019-1-ES01-KA203-065828). Funded by: Erasmus+ European Union and Servicio Española para la Internationalización de la Educación (SEPIE) (214.247€). PI: Beatriz San Román (Autonomous University of Barcelona). Project Manager.

• 2015-2016: Perinatal Mental Health Training Project. Funded by: The Polinger Family

Project Manager: Lynne McIntyre (Mary’s Center).


Resumen de Publicaciones

McIntyre, L., Alvarez, B., & Marre, D. (2022). “I want to bury it. Will you join me?”: The use of ritual in prenatal loss among women in Catalonia, Spain in the early 21st century. Religions, 13(4), 336; 

Yuen, M., Hall, O. J., Masters, G. A., Nephew, B. C., Carr, C., Leung, K., Grihen, A., McIntyre, L., Byatt, N., & Moore-Simas, T. (2022). The Ehects of Breastfeeding on Maternal Mental Health: A Systematic Review. Journal of Women's Health, ahead of print, 

Grihen, A., McIntyre, L., Kimmel, M., Burkhard, J., Davis, W., Clark, C., Meltzer- Brody, S. (2021). The State of Perinatal Mental Health in the United States: Overview of Policy and Programs. Health AIairs, 40(10), 1543-1550. 

McIntyre, L., Grihen, A., & BrintzenhofeSzoc, K. (2018). Breast is Best, Except When It’s Not: Focus on Practice. The Journal of Human Lactation, 34(3), 575-580.

Ponencias Recientes

“I want to bury it. Will you join me?”: Commemorating Perinatal Loss in Spain from the Post-War to the Present. European Association of Social Anthropologists: Afterlife Counts: The Economics and Materiality of Funerals and Dealing with Death, 26-29 July, 2022, Belfast, Northern Ireland Using Remote Technology to Improve Maternal Mental Health Screening, Referral, and Care Coordination: Lessons from an Obstetric Practice in Miami, FL. National Association of Perinatal Social Workers Annual Conference,

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